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What to do with old paint in San Diego

March 10, 2020

What to do with old paint in San Diego

I recently closed the sale of a listing in Del Cerro and needed to dispose of years of old paint, and other waste items.  After a little research I found out the following, which I’m happily sharing with my clients.  Oh, and one more thing…. No homebuyer wants 10 year old paint cans left behind.  You’re not doing anyone a favor when offer old paint to a home buyer.  They’ll want to choose their own colors, and old paint won’t match up.

Paint stores are required to take back old, sealed paint cans.  They can take up to 5 gallons of labeled paint, but they won’t take completely empty cans.  The next time you’re looking to update a room and color match, simply bring in the old can for the color reference, and then just leave it with the paint store.

The city of San Diego accepts paint, free of charge, at their Hazardous Waste Transfer Facility.  This is done by appointment, on Saturday, between 9 AM and 3 PM.  They also accept many other items, which you can learn about on their site.  https://www.sandiego.gov/environmental-services/miramar/hhwtransfac

If you need a great painter please reach out to me.  I’ll happily connect you with one.

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